When passing through a full body scan, a pat-down search and a baggage x-ray on your way to buying a coffee in your local mall, you know you live in the era of Security.
It seems to me, however, that enterprise security operates under the sole premise that mal-intention can be prevented. Password policies, network restrictions, biometric sensors, intrusion detection, firewalls, access tokens, truckloads of technology all geared to one single goal - keep the bad guys out. Driven by fear of doomsday scenarios fed into you at numerous conferences, we treat every potential breach as a nuclear explosion and try to prevent it. I doubt anyone other than Jet Li can bring a jet down with a pocket knife (and by definition he's a rare talent), yet we – at great cost and inconvenience - make sure every pocket on a plane is empty of a knife. Even China does not have that many Jet Li's so for that kind of success ratio this is kinda expensive.
Ignored here is the strategy of deterrence - make them afraid of its consequences. This strategy can be seen everywhere the real world, but its oddly absent in the virtual world of information security. People don't steal just because a door is open; more often its because they don't want to go to jail. They know that jail is a possibility because newspapers and politicians and others give ample coverage to crime and its consequences. In societies where punishment is unlikely (such as war-torn Afghanistan) people rarely worry about consequences and crime is undeterred. Companies should similarly publicize penalties and visibly take severe action in case of breaches. An ounce of deterrent is often worth many kilos of prevention, but I've yet to see a company security policy (usually running to hundreds of pages) specify punitive actions. CISOs should get the authority to swing a big stick, and make sure that it's visibly swung when the need arises.
Its simple. Publicise the punishments (make sure they're substantial). One fine sunny day, pick a few violators and make prominent, public examples of them. Repeat every quarter, or as frequently as needed. Even the good old Chanakya recommends it - "saam, dhaam, dand, bhed" - where "dand" is the thing to note here
Prevention, of course, can hardly be neglected. Locked doors and access controls are important, but in the absence of a deterrent this leads to rapidly diminishing utility. Think of a country with no effective police; the bill for private security and electric fences will start climbing rather quickly. This is fine if you live in Wasseypur, but in other cases a few ounces of deterrence is worth more than a few kilos of prevention.
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